Registration Fee
$25 for a New Student / $30 for 2 New Students / $35 for 3 New Students
$10 for a Returning Student / $15 for a Returning Family / $20 for 3 Returning Students
What is it for?
Admin, insurance, music rights, class props and equipment, planning, misc. supplies and materials. Tuition covers time in the classroom, registration helps cover all the things that go into making that class time possible.
When do I pay this?
When you register for classes for new dance season
Recital Fee
What is it for?
Cost for recital venue, trophies/medals, tickets, programs, etc.
When do I pay this?
Costume Deposit & Remaining Balance
What is it for?
When performing for our end-of-the-year recital, classes will need costumes.
When do I pay this?
Deposit will be due in January, and remaining costume fees will be due in March.