Monday Predancer Class (Non Performing)
This class will have open enrollment throughout our dance season. Every session (8 weeks) will allow for dancers to join or drop the class. This allows parents to give their little ones an opportunity to try out the class before making the full commitment for the entire dance year. If parents feel their child is interested in enrolling for the year, we have a progressive Predancer class offered on Saturday 10:00am - 11:00am, where dancers will get to perform in our annual end of the year Dance Recital. Parents can also choose to remain in the Monday Predancer class if they do not want to have their child perform in the Recital.
This is an advanced class requiring all students interested in pointe to have had proper ballet training. All students are required to pair this class with a continued ballet class. This class will require teacher discretion and approval for all students. This is for the safety of our students.
please consult director for proper class placement assistance
Age listed under each class are there for guidance, and subject to change upon teacher discretion.